The Brand Specialist
The Brand Specialist specialises in human purchasing behaviour and brain science with the sole purpose of creating ‘Strong and Effective Brands’ – brands that has a positive effect on the bottom line.
Brands can’t afford to just be strong; they also have to be effective, creating not just awareness and recollection, but also ‘a reason to choose’. The success of a brand can be defined by its ability to influence purchase behaviour by differentiating an organisation and/or it’s offering in the collective minds of consumers.
Corporate identity, product design, website, apps, social media, PR or advertising are never ends in themselves, but merely means to an end. The goal is never to have an award winning ad campaign, but a campaign which creates a strong and effective brand in the minds of consumers, which in turn has a positive effect on people’s purchase decisions, producing increased sales over time at a higher margin.
Loving the ad doesn’t mean buying the product, not even loving the product means buying the product – afraid we’re all a bit more complicated than that. At the end of the day it’s all down to human behaviour, be it unpredictable, irrational or even darn right confusing. People are inherently complex and yet so intrinsically simple, you just have to know what goes on inside and understand what makes them tick.
Understanding a company’s business strategy, combined with a deep insight into what makes customers do, buy and love the things they do, makes The Brand Specialist the ideal partner in creating intangible competitive advantage.